AusDBF Committees

AusDBF Committees

AusDBF has various sub-committees tasked with considering key topics relevant to the growth and development of the sport of dragon boating in Australia.  The sub-committees include members from all across the nation, and they use their wealth of paddling knowledge to help shape the future of the sport through making recommendations to the AusDBF Board.

Athletes Committee (AC)

Laura Hughes - Chair  DBWA
Cheryl Warren  DBQ
Michelle van Niekerk DBV
Daniel Foucar DBWA
Wendy Orman DBNSW
Robert Henderson  DBSA
Maggie Boyce AusDBF 


Competition and Technical Committee (C&TC)

Sylvia Wong   (Level 4 IDBF Race Official) NSW
Janine Lette  (Level 4 IDBF Race Official) QLD
Melanie Cantwell (Level 4 IDBF Race Official) NSW
John Holland (Level 1 IDBF Race Official) SA
Phil Reader  (Level 3 IDBF Race Official) NT
Chris Alexandrou NSW
Jo Grammatico  QLD


Diversity & Inclusion Committee (D&I)

Ian Gearey (he/him)  - Chair  DBNSW / AusDBF 
Tasha Goodson DBQ
Charli Murphy DBACT
Helen Howarth DBTAS
Julianne Kuhlmann DBSA
Roslyn Webb DBWA


Nominations and Governance Committee (ANC)

Peter Campos - Chair  AusDBF 
John Holland   
Rex Tindal  
Kelly Kortlepel  


revSPORT Users Group (RUG)

Melanie Cantwell - Chair AusBF
Leah Yea  DBQ
Rodney Moore DBNSW
Sue Pidgeon  DBACT
Ben Fells DBV
Donna Fittock  DBTAS
Marie Cunningham  DBSA
 Debbie Fenn DBWA


Race Officials Mentor Program (ROMP)

Janine  Lette (AusDBF Level 3/IDBF Level 4)  DBQ
Geoff Roberts (AusDBF Level 3)  /  Maureen O'Neill  (AusDBF Level 3/IDBF Level 1) DBNSW
Gillian Styles - Chair (AusDBF Level 3/IDBF Level 1)  /  Sue Pidgeon (AusDBF Level 3) DBACT
Philippa McLean (AusDBF Level 3) , Ali Sutton (AusDBF Level 2)  DBV
Chris Wood (AusDBF Level 3)/IDBF Level 4), John Holland (AusDBF Level 3/IDBF Level 4), Pat Doogue (AusDBF Level 3) DBSA
Maureen Cowdell (AusDBF Level 2) DBWA
Melanie Cantwell (AusDBF Level 3/IDBF Level 4)  DBTAS/AusDBF


Safety & Risk Committee  (SRC)

Andrew Murray (ERMs) - Chair AusDBF
Janine Lette AusDBF
Darrin Bennett  DBQ
Kathryn Heiler  DBNSW
Tiffany Sleep DBACT
Stephen Arrowsmith DBV
Andrew Dunn  DBTAS
Julie Lister  DBSA
Sheryl Kelly  DBWA


Sweep Coordinators Committee (SCC)

John Holland - Chair on behalf of AusDBF
Cathy Barnes DBQ 
Rob Turnbull / Rodney Moore DBNSW 
Kevin Shipp DBACT
Jennifer Reilly  DBV
Susan Sanderson DBTAS
Pat Doogue DBSA
Laura Hughes DBWA
Maggie Boyce  AusDBF 


Youth Racing Committee (YRC)

Olivia Cermak DBNSW
Sally Witchalls DBACT
Di Edmondson DBV
Cassidy Burns DBSA
Kiriana Steven DBWA
Zijing Chu  AusDBF