Sport Integrity

For information about making a Complaint or reporting concerns scroll to the bottom of this page


Sport Integrity Resources 

What is sport integrity?

Sport is an Australian way of life. It brings people together, regardless of any differences in language, ability, culture and beliefs, and provides physical, social and economic benefits. It is critical that we keep dragon boating, both as a sport and recreation, safe and fair, for everyone who participates.

Threats to sports integrity include things like illicit drug use, doping, competition-manipulation and behaviours that impact people's positive experience of sport, such as discrimination or abuse. Integrity in sport means that athletes, supporters and fans can participate and celebrate sport, confident in the knowledge that they are part of a safe, fair and inclusive environment. The Australian Dragon Boat Federation (AusDBF) takes integrity seriously and is committed to safeguarding our sport.

All our members and participants have an obligation to protect and maintain the integrity of dragon boating, as well as the health and wellbeing of others within the sport. We work closely with Sport Integrity Australia, the national agency established to protect sport against integrity threats.



Education, resources and awareness

When it comes to sport integrity, it is critical that everyone is aware of their rights and responsibilities.  Sport Integrity Australia provides a range of resources and eLearning courses relating to sport integrity. including doping, match fixing, illict drugs and ethical decision-making. Specific anti-doping courses are also available for coaches, support person's, medical practitoners and parents. Keep up to date with all that is happening in sport integrity by following Sport Integrity Australia on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram or listen to On Side, the Official podcast of Sport Integrity Australia.

The Sport Integrity app (free download from  Apple and Android app stores) is a one-stop shop for all sport integrity needs, designed with athletes in mind. The app allows users to check whether their medications are banned in sport, find low risk supplements to reduce their change of testing positive accidently, and check whether they need a Therapeutic Use Exemption.

In relation to anti-doping, the World Anti-Doping Agency Prohibited List is updated annually to outline the substances and methods that are prohibited in sport. Global DRO allows users to check whether the most commonly prescribed and over-the-counter medicines in Australia are permitted or prohibited in sports.

Play by the Rules provides information, resources, tools and free online training to administrators, coaches, officials, players, parents and spectators to assist them in preventing and dealing with discrimination, harassment, child safety, inclusion and integrtity issues in sport. Particular resources are available for Community Child Safe Sport including the Start to Talk Campaign.

The eSafety Commissioner Sport Hub provides tailored information for sports administratorscoaches or officialsparents and athletes and competitors, practical information on how to recognise and deal with online abuse in sport, as well as top tips to stay safe online.  



National Integrity Framework 

AusDBF has adopted the National Integrity Framework to proactively mitigate integrity threats to dragon boating in Australia and to ensure a safe, fair and trustworthy environment in all levels and disciplines. The National Integrity Framework provides a single set of rules, which apply across all levels of the sport, plus procedures for managing, reporting, investigating and determining potential breaches.

Click here to view the National Integrity Factsheet

Click here to view the Standards and Prohibited Conduct Guide


Anti-Doping Policy 


Anti-Doping rules apply to all participants of our sport from elite down to grassroots. All members must be aware of, and have a basic understanding of, their obligations regarding anti-doping. The Sport Integrity Australia website has a range of information and resources to assist, including:

  • information about supplements
  • applying for a Therapeutic Use Exemption 
  • submitting Whereabouts information 
  • information about athlete testing

Click here to view the Anti-Doping Policy and Resources


Member Protection Policy

AusDBF is committed to ensuring that everyone involved with dragon boating is treated with respect and dignity and is protected from abuse, bullying, harassment, sexual misconduct, unlawful discrimination, victimisation, and vilification.

This Policy seeks to ensure that everyone involved in dragon boating is aware of their rights and responsibilities. This Policy sets out the standards of behaviour expected of those involved in dragon boating and the behaviours that are not acceptable.

Click here to view the Member Protection Policy (updated 11/09/2023)

Click here to view the YouTube video 

Click here to view the Child-Friendly Member Protection Fact Sheet

Click here to view the Bullying in Sport Guidelines 


Safeguarding Children and Young People Policy 

AusDBF has zero-tolerance policy for child abuse or neglect in any form.

AusDBF is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of Children in dragon boating by providing a safe and inclusive environment by ensuring that everyone involved in dragon boating is educated and informed of their responsibilities to protect and look after Children.

All Children have the right to feel safe and protected from all forms of abuse, harm, and neglect. Children have the right to take part in sports in a safe, positive, and enjoyable environment.

AusDBF aims to create and maintain an inclusive, child-safe environment that is understood, endorsed, implemented, and adhered to by everyone involved in dragon boating.

This Policy is part of AusDBF's proactive and preventative approach to the safety, wellbeing, participation and empowerment of all Children who access dragon boating.

This Policy seeks to ensure that everyone involved in dragon boating is aware of their rights and responsibilities in relation to Children. This Policy sets out the standard of behaviour expected of those involved in dragon boating and the behaviours that not acceptable.

Click here to view the  Safeguarding Children and Young People Policy (updated 11/09/2023)

Click here to view the YouTube video 

Click here to view the Child Safe Practices Do's and Don'ts

Click here to view the Child-Friendly Safeguarding Fact Sheet

Click here to view the Child Protection Reporting Information Fact Sheet

Click here to view the Flowchart for Responding and Reporting to a Breach of the Child Safe Guarding Policy

Click here to view the How to Involve Children and Young People Guide 

Click here to view the Parents Guide to Selecting a Safe Sporting Club

Click here to view the Selecting a Child Safe Club Checklist 

Click here to view the Safe Recruitment and Selection Procedures Guide

Click here to view the Recruitment and Screening Checklist

Click here to view the Induction of New Volunteers and Staff Checklist 

Click here to view the Overnight trips and Travel Guide

Click here to view the Overnight Trips and Travel Checklist 

Click here to view the Day Trips and Competitions Guide 

Click here to view the Day Trips and Competitions Checklist

Click here to view the Electronic and Online Communication Guide

Click here to view the Transporting Children in Sport Guide

Click here to view the Events held in Public Spaces Guide

Click here to view the Events held in Public Spaces Checklist 


Competition Manipulation and Sport Gambling Policy 

The manipulation of sporting competitions and related activities undermines the integrity of sport. Manipulating sporting competitions can be a crime and punishable by law.

This Policy prescribes prohibited conduct which constitutes a breach, as well offences which must be reported to AusDBF.

Through this Policy, AusDBF aims to ensure that its core values, good reputation and positive behaviours and attitudes are maintained.

Click here to view the Competition Manipulation and Sport Gambling Policy (updated 11/09/2023)

Click here to view the Fact Sheet 

Click here to view the YouTube video 


Improper Use of Drugs and Medicine Policy 

The Improper use of drugs and medicine in sport, including the use of supplements and the provision by unqualified and unauthorised people are a risk to the health of athlete and the integrity of sport.

To counter these risks, we have put in place in Improper Use of Drugs and Medicine Policy which ensures: 

  • Medical Practitioners working in our sport are accredited and qualified to fulfil their duties 
  • Medicines are used in appropriate ways 
  • Safe use of supplements which comply with the World Anti-Doping Code 
  • Illegal drug use is prohibited in our sport

Click here to view the Improper Use of Drugs and Medicine Policy (updated 11/09/2023)

Click here to view the Fact Sheet

Click here to view the YouTube video


Complaints, Disputes and Discipline Policy 

The Complaints, Disputes and Discipline Policy: -

  • sets out the process for resolving complaints and disciplinary action in relation to prohibited conduct under the National Integrity Framework and National Code of Conduct
  • Complaints - related to Child Safeguarding and Discrimination(*) are managed by Sport Integrity Australia.
  • Complaints about other Prohibited Conduct under the National Integrity Framework and National Code of Conduct will be managed by the sport at the level at which they arise. Accordingly, the issue at the club level will generally be managed by the relevent club, unless there is significant conflict of interest which cannot be appropriately managed (e.g. where the Complaint is made against a club executive or committee member) in which case it will be managed by the relevant State Association.

(*) Discrimination is unfair treatment based on a person's (a) age; (b) disability; (c) race or ethnicity; (d) sex or gender identity; (e) sexual orientation; or (f) religion.

Complaints are managed in accordance with the: - 

  • Case Categorisation and Sanctions Guidelines: - This 3-tier case categorisation system looks at the nature of the alleged conduct, perceived level of harm, and complexity, and is designed to provide flexibility and efficiency with greater focus on preventative strateg

The sanctions model provides relevant factors and a range of potential sanctions for consideration. AusDBF is ultimately responsible for dermining the appropriate sanction, if required, where a complaint is substantiated.

Isolated or less serious issues may be dealt with by:

  • Education 
  • Warning/Reprimand
  • Apology

Repeated or more serious issues may lead to: 

  • External referral (to law enforcement and/or regulatory agencies) 
  • Provisional Action (temporary protective measures while a person is under investigation
  • Alternative Dispute Resolution (inlcuding mediation) 
  • Investigation 
  • Tribunal Hearing (within the sport or in the National Sports Tribunal)

Click here to view the Complaints, Disputes and Discipline Policy (updated 19/12/2023)

Click here to view the Fact Sheet

Click here to view the Case Categorisation and Sanctions Guidelines 

Click here to view the Step by Step Guide to Complaints 

Click here to view the Investigation of Complaints Guidelines .

Click here to view the Hearing Tribunal Procedure


Other Relevant Policies 

The AusDBF National Code of Conduct sets out the fundamental standards of behaviour expected of everyone involved in our sport. Alleged breaches are managed under the Complaints, Disputes and Discipline Policy

The National Integrity Framework does not cover selection and personal grievances which are the subject of separate policies available on the AusDBF website:

Selection disputes are dealt with under the AusDBF Selection Appeals Policy

"Personal Grievances" are dealt with under the AusDBF Personal Grievances Policy. Personal Grievance means any interpersonal conflicts or disputes between people and/or organisations  that arise in the context of their involvement in dragon boat, but do not concern or allege a breach of the sports's policies. Personal Grievances will generally be handled by management at the level of the sport at which they arise (but may be referred to the next level up if the organisation is a party to the Grievance). An independent person or the National Sports Tribunal may facilitate a resolution, subject to the parties agreement.


Making a Complaint or Raising Concerns

Below are some tips to remember when considering lodging a complaint:

  • Anyone can make a complaint 
  • Complaints enable action to be taken when people do not uphold the integrity standards of our sport. By speaking up, you are protecting others around you

All complaints and concerns (including any allegation of Prohibited Conduct under the National Integrity Framework) may be submitted to AusDBF online. AusDBF will triage and confirm next steps with the person who submitted the report, including the appropriate body to manage the matter.

Alternatively, if preferable, complaints about Child Safeguarding and/or Discrimination may be submitted to Sport Integrity Australia via the online form on the Sport Integrity Australia website  Other issues or concerns may be reported to Sport Integrity Australia (which can be done anonymously), however, it may not be able to act on them.



Please contact the AusDBF Integrity Manager  (0455 461 358) with any general integrity-related enquiries including about the National Integrity Framework.


Click here to watch the recording of AusDBF - Integrity, Discplinary and grievance policies - session held 25 September 2023